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microblogging !

24.03.2025 - Mood: 🤒
yesterday watched this video about a guy who replaced his phone with an ipod, a camera, a typewriter etc. and i so want an ipod now. i feel so tired of social media and the fact that i'm addicted to it, i've put a 30min timer on instagram but now i go on reddit instead like bruh i'm a literal addict on this front but this guy kind of motivated me. i can't wait for summer so that i can go biking around my town and stop worrying about the 10 exams coming up.
+ i want back to the library to try and find a book for my children literatture class but i'm still not convinced about my pick. I also picked another book I read about a while ago, but I feel like I don't have any ways to find book :( please send me recommendations!
+ i'm still sick and i ate a full can of soup my belly hurts.

24.03.2025 - Mood: 🤒
i put to much pepper on my morning eggs bruh + I have the worst cold of my life I'm literaly hallucinating

20.03.2025 - Mood: bheh
i want to change my whole layout rhaaaaa

13.03.2025 - Mood: 🙃
bruh. FUM i'm the problem? i just don't want to do your job you fucking slob.

10.03.2025 - Mood: 😌
went to the manga shop and bought Kuroko Dunk Edition 7, Soul Eater Perfect Edition 1 & Fullmetal Alchemist Perfect Edition 1! Also i think i have a tiny crush on the manga shop clerc 😳.

07.03.2025 - Mood: 🙁
i HATE taking the train why is this thing so stressful ?

06.03.2025 - Mood: 😶
i feel like all of my friends are stupid smh, like what do you mean you need chatgpt to tell you who christopher columbus was????

background image by tsundereshark